Escrit d'avui
I have come to realise how important this song is for me. Also, how different it is the effect and meaning that it used to have one year and a half ago compared to the effect it has now on me. It used to literally be the only song that could lift me up. It feels so nice to listen to it now knowing that it is still important to me but also one of the many songs I simply enjoy listening to - it does not have the specific role of pulling my broken soul together. It is just lovely music to the heart and ears now.
Moltes coses en què pensar. Sentiments per processar. Primer de tot, què vull? Què vull donar? Què vull rebre? M'encallo. I encallo. No comparteixo. I tanco. No sempre és així. Ho sembla. Si mires en dins, és al contrari. Sóc així. Si t'hi fixes, els detalls... No els veus? Potser no els mostro. Riu de corrents. Diferents direccions. Les miro. Escolto. Sento. Decideixo.
Time flies,
with all its chains and thickness
Time flies,
Keeping you awake and restless
Time flies,
Sometimes slower, sometimes quicker
Time flies,
Up to you if it makes you stronger or weaker